
Alpha Protocol is one of the best RPGs i have ever played

Oh BOY! I played Alpha Protocol on PC, expecting it to be a bug ridden, half finished piece of unplayable jank dogshit. Was it? Not really. It ran quite well, never crashed once actually. I found the combat, movement etc to be.. fine. Some design choices were a little odd, and it felt a little rough around the edges at first, but I got used to it, and it started feeling smoother. I then realised that this is a game that is worth playing, if not for its mediocre combat and level design, then definitely for its RPG elements, namely its surprisingly intricate choice and consequence system. This is one of those games where choices matter. No, not in the sense that choices "matter" in most games that even give you choices nowadays. This is not the illusion of choice where the plot is basically unchanged and the game just pretends that you made a difference. The choices you make in this game ACTUALLY affect the plot! And not just the ending, the whole plot the whole way through, in major ways! I was seriously impressed with the depth of this game. I was honestly as impressed by this game as I was when I played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines for the first time, which is a personal favourite of mine - quite possibly the best RPG experience on PC. At first glance it looks like some lame forgotten xbox era third person shooter. Unfortunately it kind of is that, but my point is that it SHOULDNT BE. If you look beneath its almost generic looking exterior, you'll see a gem of a video game and an unforgettable experience. It also kinda looks like a Splinter Cell rip off. I love the splinter cell games, splinter cell is one of my favourite franchises, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have more fun playing Alpha Protocol. Yes, splinter cell does stealth way better, but that's kind of all it does. Aplha protocol does so much more. It's far from perfect but God it's so much fun and way better than I ever expected. If you like RPGs consider giving it a shot. And if you like espionage spy thriller fiction, definitely give it a shot

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