
"I'm alt" Shut the fuck up, here's why:

So because TikTok zoomers are so retardedly obsessed with the 'aesthetic' aspect of all things, they completely ignore the real foundation of most subcultures - which is music - and attempt to aggregate everything into one stupid umbrella term - "alt" or "alternative" because they want to dress like a punk, or a goth, or a metalhead, whichever is trendiest at the time, without actually making an effort to understand the subcultures that they chameleon as. This is something that has bothered me deeply ever since I became aware of it. Gatekeeping is a good and necessary thing, because it stops things like this from happening. This is the demise of subcultures as distinct social groups with a shared interest yet a diverse range of personalities. This is a homogenised game of dressup disguised as culture, with no real substance. I'm sorry, but wearing corpse paint when all you listen to is Slipknot just makes no sense. Dressing goth when all you listen to is Twenty One Pilots just makes no sense. It's LARPing. You ARE a poseur. "Just let people enjoy things" no, because you're stepping all over real, established subcultures in your little trend hopping charade. Not to mention they lump a million different subcultures under one umbrella and then claim that they all have to follow a uniform ideology otherwise they aren't "truly alt". I don't want people to associate me with you, because I listen to heavy metal, while you dye your hair and wear a choker. Leave me and everyone else out of it. Do you consider yourself 'alt' and want to become a respected part of a community? Do you want to be accepted by them? Have them stop calling you a poser? Drop the act, be yourself, actually listen to the music, and stop chasing trends. It's really that simple. You will be welcomed with open arms as long as you actually make an effort to respect and understand them. Some self awareness would be nice too. Stop calling people "basic" or "NPCs" because they don't dress like you, because you are just following a fashion trend whether you realise it or not.

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