
Why did I know so many fake Italians?

In my first six years of schooling I knew a lot of Greek kids who pretended to be Italian. A lot of Greek kids went to my school. Most of those kids, for a brief portion of their time there, claimed Italian ancestry. At this school, Italian was synonymous with cool. Why? There was this one actual italian kid who was very rich and good at soccer and he knew how to spike his hair and crack his knuckles, so all the other kids thought he was the shit. He also had a cool older brother. This kid had all the Greeks renouncing their greek identity. And they knew they could get away with it with their olive complexion and dark hair. There was even one kid, pale as a ghost with ginger hair and freckles who claimed italian. Of course, the Greek kids didn't believe him because he didn't look "italian". He was actually a real italian btw.

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