
Monster Hunter World

Picked up Monster Hunter World and got to playing it recently. I created my character and the little cat sidekick thing and got to playing. I then realised during my gameplay that my characters eyebrows were quite offputting. This was not evident in the character creation screen, but no big deal, I'll just change it later. Finished the tutorial, got to the main hub area of the game, and sought out some means of editing my face. To my horror I discovered that in this game, if you want to edit the appearance of your character, you have to pay a fee. Each time. With real money. They sell single use DLC vouchers that you have to purchase and redeem each time you want to change your face. The first one is free, but I don't really care. I'm not gonna play this game ever again. "You can just install a mod to change it for free" Yeah I don't care. This mechanic is totally free in literally every other half decent game that offers it. I know game companies have been doing this shit for years now and I know everyone has already complained about it ad nauseam. Wanna know why they keep doing it? Why they haven't stopped despite how much everyone hates it? Why we seem to be getting nowhere? Because you stupid fat fucks keep buying and playing the games anyways. You keep paying full price. You keep pre ordering. If you don't refund at the first sight of any bullshit like this in a game, you are part of the problem and you are the reason why these companies keep getting away with what they do. You are facilitating their greed tactics. And you're gonna complain about it on Reddit. "Nooo look at all these microtransactions ruining our games" But you're still gonna buy the next release, aren't you? It's the same issue with Call of Duty players. "Why do they keep selling us shit?" Because YOU keep BUYING shit. Literal feces you are paying full price for on a yearly basis. Cuckold behaviour. Stop being such a pushover, man. At this point you're as bad as the companies. Ideally, Monster Hunter World would have majority negative Steam reviews in response to their decision to paywall something as basic as changing your eyebrows, but in reality, 88% positive. Okay, maybe the gameplay is good... wait... I'm looking at the reviews for the paid character appearance edit vouchers themselves and wtf? They're 70% positive. And the negative reviews don't seem to touch on the fact that this shouldn't cost money at all, they're more concerned about the fact that once you buy up all the voucher packs they have to offer, you can't buy any more. Wait, you're mad because you want to spend even more money and they wont let you? What is wrong with you people?

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