
qutebrowser - it's a cute browser

Been using qutebrowser lately and it makes me want to throw my mouse in the bin. Computer mouse? Useless gimmick gadget for cavemen. Here's the thing about qutebrowser. It's a browser, where you DONT NEED a mouse because it has vim style keybindings and practically no gui. I like this. If you're familiar with vim keybinds, you will navigate the web at speeds mouse users cannot even comprehend. It does have a built in adblocker but for some reason it didn't always work that great for me (or maybe I was doing something wrong) and also a lot of sites didn't work too well with the hints (basically, you press the F key and every hyperlink on the page is given a key combination and you would type that combination instead of clicking the link - some websites wouldn't show hints for certain links). I do really like qutebrowser and its fun to play around in from time to time but I can't see it becoming a full time browser for me. In the future, if it improves and adds more extension support then i will actually consider switching to it full time

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