
Reaction YouTubers and why they deserve (NOT A THREAT BTW) to be assaulted

What if I told you that you could become a millionaire by watching YoUTube all day and pretending that you're somehow a valuable addition to society. What? That's ridiculous...right? Well, actually, it seems a lot of content creators have devolved from humans into retarded parasitic lifeforms. Imagine, if you will, a gross freak who never showers, before a camera as paypigs willingly, for some inexplicable reason, send him money to sit there with his retarded mouth agape like a horse sucking wind while a youtube video plays, occasionally pausing it to say "Oh, that's interesting", getting millions more views than the original creator of the video he is "reacting" to (I cant even call it reacting in sincerity, because "reacting" assumes that he offers some form of input, emotional or intellectual, on his part, but he just kinda sits there like a lobotomite catching flies in his mouth) His name is Asmongold and I cannot escape his stupid fucking face, because no matter how many times i press "Not Interested" whenever youtube suggests his videos to me, they just keep COMING. And cr1tikal, im coming for you next you manlet. Not a threat btw.

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