
The Death of Reddit?

If Reddit is dying, then I am HAPPY! Personally I despise websites with karma/reputation systems. Upvotes and downvotes make people act retarded. It KILLS meaningful discussion. It creates a hivemind, and if you go against this in even the slightest way, expect your post to be virtually pointless. Keep it up and your account is borderline (or literally) unusable. So, replacing Reddit with another reddit-like system is not a victory in my eyes. Lemmy is an alternative to Reddit for people who like Reddit, but I personally believe that online discussion is best done anonymously. Anonymity keeps narcissists at bay (No usernames and no number that dictates your accounts "worth" - everyone is equal), encourages higher quality posting (no low effort karma whoring) and most importantly doesn't lead to the burial of posts/comments that commit le wrongthink so people will actually speak their minds instead of adhering to the stupid site culture to save their asses. And as a bonus, it's infinitely better for user privacy. Reddit and redditors can go fuck themselves

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