
Steve O getting breast implants? Desperate

I'm just gonna say it: Steve O is pathetic. And I feel bad saying that. I grew up watching Jackass and CKY with my dad and my brother, so Steve O has always been a part of my life in a weirdly wholesome way. But the Steve O of today is not the Steve O I grew up laughing at. He's sober, which is great and all, but he's one of those annoying sober guys. Congratulations, you fixed your life that you fucked up, can we please talk about something other than your "journey" now? We've heard it all a million different times from a million different sober guys. You don't have to make it your whole personality (and to the sober people who don't make it their whole personality, don't think that I'm coming after you. I love you guys and I'm proud of you). Actually, I would argue that Steve O is NOT in fact sober, and is constantly getting high off a drug called ATTENTION. This is evident in a number of his terrible podcast appearances, in which he is practically a human advertisement, who just comes off as a real self centred drag to talk to. I'm gonna talk about me real quick, and then I'm gonna talk about my sponsors and my shitty line of white-label products like my hot sauce and my toilet wipes. And then I'm gonna talk about me some more. Have you seen his appearance on Danny Brown's podcast? He didn't even know who Danny Brown was. He didn't even know he was a rapper. And look, I don't expect everyone to know who the legendary Danny Brown is. My mother probably doesn't. But the point is that Steve O didn't even bother to research whose podcast he was even going on. Danny Brown? Who? Actually, never mind, I don't care, I'll show up anyways. And he ruined that podcast episode and made Danny Brown sad. And now, Steve O's latest stunt - he claims he's going to get D cup breast implants for "comedy". He wants fake boobs? Excuse me?? You're 50 years old and you're gonna get hooked on drugs again because of this. Anything to stay relevant I guess. Just retire, man!

Johnny Knoxville seems to be doing well these days. I had a crush on him when I was a little girl. He always looked so cute in his little sailor outfit or when he dressed up as an army man. Don't even get me started on the mess that Bam Margera is today. I admit that I thought Bam was the coolest person ever. I wanted to be Bam Margera. I cringed a little typing that. But I really did. I would hope to one day just magically wake up as Bam Margera, or at least a boy that looked like him. Now, in my twenties, I can gladly say that I am more than comfortable in my own body and I would rather die than be Bam, especially in his current state. I feel really bad for him.

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